Typically standing from seven to eight feet in height, the Rhrravi are not only quite big and imposing in their own right, but also happen to be one of the most consistently sized peoples on Karkaana. While smaller, more stunted sized Rhrravi exist, they are rare and generally happen during times of less abundance, being tied to their mother's access to food. This and other similar adaptations make the Rhrravi one of the hardiest and most resilient people in the world.
Hyenid in appearance, their bodies are covered in thick fur coats and big bold manes that follow all the way down their spines. Coloration is typically natural brown and ochre tones, though paler grey shades are also known to occur. Most typical Rhrravi are spotted, but striped as well as almost entirely faded and mixed patterns exist. Their tails tend to be short and scruffy, though the other variations tend to be on the longer and bushy side. Many of the variations are regional but can be shared like in mixed heritage individuals. While they are extraordinarily rare, entirely white and even furless Rhrravi have been known to exist and with their infrequence often end up with specific cultural significance.
The Rhrravi commonly and extensively employ body paint, with such often indicating relationships and other interpersonal ties, tribe associations, one's social standing or role, and other significances. Rhrravi clothing and outfits favor bold and intense colors and tones, and they tend to enjoy custom made jewelry of common materials.
Most Rhrravi live in relatively small to medium sized communities ranging from around a hundred to even up to a couple thousand strong. While smaller communities tend to be preferred, there are however no strict rules for their size, so larger ones aren't uncommon either. Out of necessity, some of the Rhrravi sometimes create even larger groups or tribal unions to resist aggression.
The Rhrravi society is most often matriarchal and subdivided in role based structures which usually end up being familial as it's common a single family maintains the tradition of their ancestors. It should be noted, however, that there is no one specific structure that can be applied accross the board, as each Rhrravi tribe has their own aproach to managing societal roles and functions. Often, but not always, larger regions have some similarities and trends.
Community is by far the most important part of Rhrravi society and culture, and tribe is a central point to almost every Rhrravi's life. Tribe means life, and as much as its survival is paramount to all of its members, so are its individual members important to the tribe. To not have a community is considered devastating to a Rhrravi.
Creativity, education and self-sufficiency are highly emphasized and very important in the Rhrravi culture which makes artists and teachers highly regarded. Rhrravi people tend to be highly adaptive to their environment and quick to think of innovative and pioneering approaches. While mechanics and technology are rarely the focus of Rhrravi interest, their inventors are some of the most brilliant and creative on Karkaana.
Colors play an important role in Rhrravi culture and often bear individual significance. Lack of color in general typically has unpleasant symbolism. White, for example, is considered symbolic of end or death and as such the rather rare instances of white furred Rhrravi are seen as indications of death and loss.
As much as this is often overlooked or even deliberately ignored in the history books of other nations and species, the Rhrravi are the oldest indigeous people on Karkaana that still exist in their original form. Their history is vast and has clear indications that tie them to being ancient contemporaries of the Nem-ra-nem, the proto-felid that once dominated the world of Karkaana. Even where written or vebal historic records don't exist, burial sites have been found that clearly tie them to this period of Karkaanan ancient history.
It is difficult to speak of individual Rhrravi factions as differnces between tribes tend to be numerous and not any one of them are less significant. While common threads most certainly exist, it's best to consider each Rhrravi tribe as an individual faction.