The Lae are a kind of bipedal and generally furless hominid species of vaguely feline features native to Karkaana. Their traits often occur with distinctions depending on the heritage of the Lae in question, generally related to their respective region. Most common Lae tend to be around seven feet tall, though variations exist with ranges from five and all the way up to ten feet.
Their bodies are varied in shape, leaning towards athletic and limber forms as a baseline. This of course depends on many factors such as levels of physical activity and varies between individuals. All Lae retain long and typically slim tails, and their earlobes are distinctly pointed. Most of them are plantigrade bipeds with an upright posture.
Different kinds of skin complexions exist among Lae, most commonly ranges of brown, beige and ivory, however certain Lae may come in other colors such as ranges of lilac and violet or blue tints, as well as light red tones. Aside from an uncommon subspecies of Lae, their kind are generally furless. Despite that short hairs cover parts of their body, with distinctly prominent hair on their scalp.
Some historians theorize that much like the Rankan, the Lae are also descendants of the ancient Karkaanan proto-felid. This theory, however, is heavily disputed by both Lae and Rankan academic circles thanks to historic disagreements between their respective nations as well as long lasting wars. Due to this, any research on this topic is rare and severely controversial. Even existing research is often ignored and discredited as factually incorrect.