alt: kavonem, voannem /vun-nhm/, voanborn
It so happens that some Voan have a propensity for spending time around other races. This, at times, produces offspring with some degree of unique features of their voan parent. Hanoan are the product of such unions and are regularly revered, hated or both by other peoples, often considered exotic and alien. This fact is largely the unique challenge of their lives and many attempt to mask it to avoid persecution.
Hanoan is the collective name for the many varieties of offspring between a Voan parent and another species. Much like the Voan, there is no one single way to describe their kind. Hanoan appearance depends strongly on the Voan in question and the traits of the species they mated with. Most typically, the Voan parent's traits have a tendency to be recessive and as such most of the genetic makeup is taken from the other parent. As such, the most common type of Hanoan are largely humanoid and similar to their other parent's species, but retain some of their Voan parent's features.
Aside from the purely physical features, some of the uniquely Voan power and special abilities can manifest in the Hanoan offspring. While Hanoan have no capacity for growth in that regard compared to their Voan parent, their ability tends to be stable and consistent, naturally integrated as an inherent part of their being. It should be however noted that the amount of Voan features that get transfered are often directly proportional to the power of the Voan parent.
Hanoan are not all that uncommon on Karkaana, but unfortunately tend to be faced with certain unique challenges in their lives as a result of their heritage. Depending on the customs of the local region, the Hanoan are at times met with extreme prejudice and discrimination, but sometimes also reverence as a child of the gods. Both of these can be difficult to grapple with and the Hanoan frequently end up forced to uproot their life and move somewhere safe.
Generally speaking, in parts of Karkaana where Hanoan are more accepted, they tend to be treated reasonably well although sometimes also seen as exotic or alien. Most commonly, Hanoan try to blend in with the host species, though some of them tend to lean more into their Voan heritage.
All of this largely results in a large number of Hanoan people simply smattered around the world and keeping to themselves, often invisible to both the host species and other Hanoan.
At times, Hanoan have been known to create smaller communities and communes of their fellow kind and live a somewhat exiled, self sustaining lifestyle.
There isn't really much in way of consistent historic record of the Hanoan as a people, and it's more regarded through notable individuals or the changes in the public perception of Hanoan people. Partly, this is of course due to their reclusive nature wherein they will simply be referred as their host species, but also due to such historic records not typically kept in certain places. Some Hanoan groups strive towards reclamation and maintaining of their people's history across Karkaana.