Val Vossus is the unified name for the solar system Karkaana is part of.
It's comprised out of eight planetary bodies; three inner ring planets, two habitable bodies, three gas giants.
Please note that the system image is only for demonstrative purposes and does not represent accurate scaling or distances in any form.
Sov Reomnes
Ao Xeios
Ao Xeiandres
Often being the most brilliant spot in the night's sky, Lumos was afforted the status of one of the first deities in Karkaanan cultures.
Ao Xemines
Ao Xarxana
Karkaana is the fourth planet of the Val Vossus solar system and the larger of the two habitable celestial bodies.
Tenebros or simply Dark is the largest of the three Karkaanan satellites whose composition makes it absorb almost all parts of the visible spectrum, turning it into an almost pitch spot as it rolls across the horizon. During the periods it eclipses the sun, it obscures light completely for long durations. Some cultures call this time the "Descent" or the "Long Dark".
Irtos is the smallest of the three moons, whose surface composition is largely made up of ferrous rock and other metallic compounds. Because of its surface qualities, it appears copper red in the sky.
Ardeos is the brightest of the Karkaanan moons and as such received the title of Guide by some of the resident cultures.
Ao Xortixes
Cortica is the second of the habitable worlds of Val Vossus and the fifth planet. It's significantly smaller and denser than Ocaria, but remains a reasonably comfortable planet despite being a host to impressive climate extremes.
Ao Xebaltos
Ao Xroxos
Ao Termens